Content Development Services
- Content writing is another form of writing which requires in-depth knowledge and great skill about Subject. Though content writing does not follow any specification but it is certainly guided by some fundamental principles.
- Content writing includes a number of variants which includes not only SEO writing and SEO copy writing but also website writing, blogging, sale documents, press release writing, e-books, e-catalogs and many other forms which appear on the internet.
- Our team members develop technical instructional materials in the form of complete training materials for vocational course learners in mechanical, electrical trades to the reputed companies in India. These training materials will assist both trainers and trainees to improve the quality of learning.
- We at IVT develop contents which are free of any plagiarism. (Plagiarism is the act of taking another person's writing, conversation, song, or even idea and passing it off as your own).
- We follow Bloom’s taxonomy which is considered to be a foundational and essential element within the education community that enhances knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

In this phase, our team analyze the needs of the customers and covers the obtaining of learning outcomes, getting the same validated from subject matter experts as well as through secondary research of other courses for similar roles.
In this phase, development of the basic structure of the concept is undertaken. We have done this through secondary research from books, manuals and information available on the internet; as well as with the help of the subject matter experts and site visits.
In this phase, our team design the concept by undergoing research from reliable sources and reviewed by SMEs. We proofread and format our documents as per agreed guidelines.
Once the content is ready, our team runs the same through the SME as well as a trial training batch and each lesson is closely monitored and feedback is given simultaneously.
In this phase, once the content is re-evaluated based on the feedback down, necessary changes have been made and the content is finalized.
Types of content writing we offer:
- Web Content Writing
- Technical Writing
- Article Writing
- Academic Writing
Web Content Writing:
- Web content writing is of absolute significance in e-business. It attracts global customers to do business.
- This particular style of writing is to draw visitors to the business domain through search engine results, but also to ensure that the visitor is encouraged towards the desired action, such as buying a product or hiring a service.
- Since SEO (Search Engine Optimization) become an integral part of most content writing projects our team prefers using SEO guidelines and expectations to be followed.
- Our website content development team provides information with style to inform and expose the visitors to your marketing message unintentionally.
- To create traffic for your site, keywords are very important. Our team has expertise in choosing the keyword that suits best for your site.
Technical Content Writing:
- Technical writing is writing about any technology, be it electronics, mechanical, heavy equipment, computer software, aeronautics or robotics, etc.
- Our technical writing team has strong writing and communication skills, proficient with computers and make documents as clear as possible.
- We at IVT always aware of target audience because the knowledge base of the writer’s audience will determine the content and focus of a document.
- Our team ensures that the documents are laid out in a fashion that makes readability easy, because a poorly designed document hampers a reader’s comprehension.
Article Writing:
- An article is a form of writing published in a print or electronic medium for the purpose of propagating the news, research results, academic analysis or debate.
- Our team members write(s) quality original articles to promote business, products and organization.
- An article contains the following sections:
- Article Keywords
- Article Summary
- Article Body
- Resource Box
- We create articles that creates traffic to your site by writing quality accuracy with factual accuracy, broadness of coverage, stability, and appropriate use of images.
Academic Writing:
- Academic writing is a form of expository and argumentative writing for students and researchers to convey a body of information about a particular subject.
- Academic writing helps to make knowledge conscious, remember facts, analyze concepts, and to construct new knowledge.
- Our team has expertise in article writing that makes statements logical, well supported, consistent, writing with evidence (references) to present the topic accurately.
- We at IVT develop our articles with a clear structure that can be easily understood by the target audience.